Friday, May 1, 2009


I have recently gotten some mean comments containing bad words and just uggghhhhhhhhh!!! I instantly deleted them of course! There are younger kids who look at my blog. Like my cousins (possibly), and kids who hit the CyberGarden App I put on my phone! There are a few left because I don't know where they are. I deleted the emails that informed me of the mean comments. Some of the people were saying bad things about Adam and Allison---Gasp!!!!!! I would really appreciate it ,whoever you are, if you would stop leaving such mean, insulting comments you Adam-haters! Well... there were a few Adam haters. But all mean. DO NOT LEAVE ANY MORE MEAN COMMENTS ON THIS BLOG OR ANY BLOG OR ELSE.... I still have to come up with the or else part because I have nothing. I can remove the anonymous option and make it a private blog for only the special people I invite. Thank you to the nice people.


Madeleine said...

Ah! How uncool! I can't believe that. I'm so sorry people are saying those things.

Anna Gray said...

OMG! These two people commented on my blog who are predators too! They disguised themselves as 'Brad and Angelina,' so seriously, watch out for their comments because they are NOT NORMAL and they freaked me out. Blogs are fun but they really can get dirty and creepy. I have had rude comments on my blog too. That is not cool, I agree with madeleine about it being uncool.

~A.G.~ :D :O :)

AprilGarden said...

It is very uncool, I'm with both of you. I guess it's a form of cyber bullying. Some comments are so nasty and just mean! I guess people feel they have power because no one knows who they are. Those Adam-Haters....

areopostale girl said...

oh it is ok bestie i know what u can do for or else u can give them a computer slap . silly i k i feel bad for u but it is ok if i find the adam haters i will slap them for u. kidding.