Monday, June 8, 2009


1. My favorite word is _____: aWeSoMe
2.I would love to live in a ___ : Many mansions around the world.
3.My favorite song is _____: Nickelback: How You Remind Me
4. ___ What always makes me cry.: Mean sarcasm, not funny sarcasm but sarcasm intended to make you feel awful.
5. The month of my birthday is _____:.......LaDeDA........
6.On the weekends I always _____: Bike or rollerblade down to the ice cream shop and ride around my subdivision. Then stay on my laptop all day.
7. My BFF is ____: Aeropostalegirl, Vyvy, JJ, Park, Crystal, Tashi, Kayla, Amanda 1, Amanda 2.
8.I wish I was ____: rich!
9. I ___ this survey.: LUV
10. My signature smiley is ___ : :D

I got this survey from Anna Grey's blog who got it from Emmy Grace!!:D ^-^'s blog. Write your answers in the comment area or copy and paste the survey into a post on your blog and write your own answers. Click on either of the blogs named above to visit it.