Monday, June 8, 2009


1. My favorite word is _____: aWeSoMe
2.I would love to live in a ___ : Many mansions around the world.
3.My favorite song is _____: Nickelback: How You Remind Me
4. ___ What always makes me cry.: Mean sarcasm, not funny sarcasm but sarcasm intended to make you feel awful.
5. The month of my birthday is _____:.......LaDeDA........
6.On the weekends I always _____: Bike or rollerblade down to the ice cream shop and ride around my subdivision. Then stay on my laptop all day.
7. My BFF is ____: Aeropostalegirl, Vyvy, JJ, Park, Crystal, Tashi, Kayla, Amanda 1, Amanda 2.
8.I wish I was ____: rich!
9. I ___ this survey.: LUV
10. My signature smiley is ___ : :D

I got this survey from Anna Grey's blog who got it from Emmy Grace!!:D ^-^'s blog. Write your answers in the comment area or copy and paste the survey into a post on your blog and write your own answers. Click on either of the blogs named above to visit it.


Emily Grace!!:D ^-^ said...

I didn't get your coment till just now!! :) The pool water was great, but the ocean water was nasty. :(
Thanks for commenting on my blog!! :) :)

Anna Gray said...

Cool Survey! I usually just play around on the laptop on weekends too...i wish there was an ice cream shop near me!!! We live in the small town of thomasville so the places that are closest to us are McDonald's, and other gross...stuff. lol. well at least we have sonic which is about ten seven minutes away.